Thursday, June 19, 2014

Instead of music, try books!

Ok. Sooo I have become obsessed with this app called Audible? I don't know, maybe you've heard of it? I joined last year using someone's link on YouTube to get a free book. The book I got? Fifty Shades Freed. I never finished it. As soon as I heard that I'd have to pay for a membership, I cancelled it ASAP. However, something in me wanted to try again. So I did. I got another free credit. This time I downloaded a chicklit book called Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren. It's a twilight-based-fan-fiction-turned-novel except much better. I freaking loved it. Once I got hooked on that book and realized I was almost done, I upgraded my membership (before the trial was over, mind you) and downloaded The Fault in Our Stars. I wanted to "read" the book before I saw the movie. Still haven't seen it, but I finished the audio book in like, two days. lol

Anyway, last week at the gym I had the genius idea of listening to audible on my phone while I pedal away on the stationary bikes. It  keeps my mind off of what I'm doing, so I go further for longer. If you can believe it. I absolutely love doing this. It's such a great way to sneak in some "reading" time and expose myself to new books without really having to take extra time out of the day to do so. That sounds bad, but I'm sure you know what I mean. I can listen at the gym, in the car, in the shower (via a bluetooth speaker), during chores, etc. Super duper nice! I would highly recommend doing something like this.

Oh! and if you don't want to pay for books, I would check to see if your local public library has an online media mall. Mine does and there's an app I can download to use for both reading and listening to books. Since I finished both FIOS and Beautiful Bastard (and I have just under a month until my new credits come in), I decided to start listening to The Maze Runner. Hooked! (I'm even listening to it right now as I type up this post).

I would definitely recommend this if you're a bookworm like me, but don't really have the time to sit down and pick up a book during the day. It really does make the time fly at the gym!

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